Monday, March 5, 2012


If you ride a mountain bike,or any bike for that matter you probably saw atleast something about the new Crank Brothers dropper post today.Now,I rant and rave about pretty much any other dropper post besides Gravity Droppers.Why?Because Gravity Droppers just fucking work,and continue to work and then continue to work more.Where as pretty much every other up-y down-y post seems to shit the bed on a consistant basis.Crank Brother's makes it seem like their post is the final answer in adjustable seatposts by giving you a run down of all the "problems" it fixes.

Robust simplicity-A Gravity Dropper literally has like 12 parts to it.How many does this fucker have Crank Bros?
-Mechanical design -Again,Gravity Droppers have been mechanical since day one.Nothing new here.
-Hydraulic feel-My Dropper feels damn smooth.I can push it down with pretty much a finger,I bet you you have to nearly lay on that piece of shit to get it to go down,ala a Reverb.
-Two-stage damping-Damping?Simplicity?Gravity Droppers run on a big ass spring and involve no air seals.
Rotational stability-2 years slop free here.Plus,when it does get a little wiggly a new bushing is like,$6,from Dropper and take 10 minutes to install.
-Two-way locking-Uhhhh,yep.My Dropper does that too.
-Improved cable routing-You stole this from Gravity Dropper.
-Travel adjust-Why? 4'' is more than enough.No need to go more or less.
-Remote adjust-Ummmmm,isn't that why adjustable height seatposts are cool,cause you don't have to get off the bike to lower them?
-Stronger and lighter-Seat bounced and sit down landered my Gravity Dropper countless times,and i'm a portly little fuck.I also bet my Dropper's lighter.

So there.Nothing to see here.Move along folks and purchase the ultimate seat post.A Gravity Dropper Turbo.Besides,the Kronolog kinda looks like a lightsaber/dildo thing anyway.


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